Tax Services

Tax is an integral part of the corporate environment  irrespective of whether you are a large, a medium-sized company or a sole trader. Our Tax  team can  assist you in achieving effective tax compliance and managing your tax risks, while helping you to control costs and comply with the relevant legislation. Further we  respond to clients’ complex business challenges with services that go across industry sectors and national boundaries
to be more effective.

Today's business and tax environments  are  increasingly complex, There are more and more demands for transparency and substance requirements  put  tax departments are under pressure to be on the top of matters.

We can advice you based on your requirements and specifics, which is the best  jurisdiction for you to establish a company, since  In the age of globalization, the application of double tax treaties becomes even more important.

Services we offer to our corporate clients:
  • Assistance in preparation of their company’s tax returns.
  • Submission of the required tax return to the Inland Revenue.
  • Liaising with the Inland Revenue on their behalf.
  • On going tax planning.
  • Advice on international tax planning.
  • Tax advice on strategic decisions such as mergers and acquisitions, group -reorganizations and trusts formations.
  • Services we offer to our individual clients(self employed):
  • Assistance in preparation of their tax returns.
  • Submission of the required tax return to the Inland Revenue.
  • Advice and preparation of capital statements.
  • Personal tax planning.
  • Advice on tax issues affecting expatriates
  • Liaising with the local tax authorities.
Free up capital and finance for investment tomorrow by considering tax planning and management today…

For more information on the above issues please contact us

Our Aim

Our aim is to provide you with the right, fresh ideas  with round-the-clock personal  approach, attention to every detail, clear response to problems and anticipation of developments before they arise.

Contact Us

26, Stasandrou, P.O.Box 21480, 1060, Nicosia, Cyprus


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